Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Brazil Butt Lift Deluxe Schedule

Wow.  Either four days of no workouts has relegated me to novice status or I underestimated Leandro's Rio Extreme. I am not sure what I was expecting but boy oh boy did I struggle to make it through those 50 minutes.  I don't know if it was THAT extreme or my four day hiatus plus lack of sleep plus trying to get back into a routine played a bigger part than I imagined.

In other news I picked up a set of 10lb ankle weights (5lbs each) at Target!  I'm so excited.  I haven't been able to find a routine that incorporates the Maximum Results dvds.  Here is my plan for the next two weeks:

Monday:  Rio Extreme (50 minutes)
Tuesday:  High & Tight (35 minutes) + Secret Weapon (20 minute) + Abs Rapido (10 minutes)
Wednesday:   Rio Extreme(50 minutes)
Thursday:  High & Tight (35 minute) + Secret Weapon (20 minute)+ Abs Rapido (10 minutes)
Friday:  Rio Extreme (50 minute)
Saturday:  Bum Bum (35 minutes) + Tummy Tuck (20 minutes)

Monday:  High & Tight (35 minutes) + Secret Weapon (20 minute) + Abs Rapido (10 minutes)
Tuesday:  Rio Extreme (50 minutes)
Wednesday: High & Tight (35 minutes) + Secret Weapon (20 minute) + Abs Rapido (10 minutes)
Thursday: Rio Extreme (50 minutes)
Friday:  High & Tight (35 minutes) + Secret Weapon (20 minute) + Abs Rapido (10 minutes)
Saturday:  Rio Extreme (50 minutes)

Wish me luck!


  1. Good Luck! I bought BBL and get it soon. Cant wait to start

  2. I LOVE this workout! I've hated my thighs ever since I was in high school and I can't believe that they're actually shrinking! :) I don't think Brazil Butt Lift gets the credit it deserves. Good luck with your journey and keep me posted. :)

  3. So I am looking to try out the exercises on Brazilian Buttock Lift but don't want to purchase the DVD's, is there a woman out there that will share with me all of the exercises that you do on BBL? Greatly appreciated(:

  4. I just bought the addition package with rio extreme, abs rapido, and upper cuts. That is all I have from the series. I typically run 3 days a week too. I am aware I should have the set to get the results I see and read about but can I expect to rotate between what I have with added cardio and improve my butt and thighs?
