My Journey in Photos

I will admit that before I began my Beachbody journey I might have been living in a bit of denial about my physical appearance.  I had no idea that I had "let myself go" so much until I took my initial set of Before photos on October 23, 2011.

To add insult to injury, when I uploaded these to a private album on Facebook, the Facebook photo app actually asked me to tag my belly in my side profile photo!  I wish I had a photo of this bikini on me back in 2002 so I don't come across as a crazy lady trying to squeeze into a too-small bikini.  This thing actually did fit me quite well at one point in my life.

My first month of TurboFire ended right before Thanksgiving.  I wasn't sure what kind of results to expect but my first month results photos taken November 21st actually showed some improvement! 

 I kept up with TurboFire through Thanksgiving and finished up Month 2 right before the craziness of the Christmas holidays.  For two weeks it was craziness here and I wasn't able to workout the latter half of December.  The days leading up to Christmas were so hectic in the kitchen and I started to notice how I had no energy whatsoever.  I didn't have my daily Shakeology for about 5 days and around Day 3 is when I started noticing my exhaustion.  Fast forward to January 4th when the kids returned to school and the husband returned to work.  Normality returned and I took my results photos on January 4, 2012:

Not bad, huh?  I managed to not gain any weight over the holidays and was very pleasantly surprised at my progress.  I pushed on through Month 3 of TurboFire and took my three month results and did a collage so I could actually SEE how far I had actually come.

I didn't buy the TurboFire Advanced dvd set and on February 6th I moved on to Brazil Butt Lift.  While I loved the results I got with TurboFire, I just felt like my lower body wasn't getting the attention it deserved.  I am currently on Week 4 of the Slim & Shape program for Pear Shapes and I should have newly updated photos by this time next week.  My plan is to move on to the Combination BBL program along with the two week advanced program.

Here are my latest results after 60 days of Brazil Butt Lift:

Here are my 90 Day Results from Brazil Butt Lift:

Here are my results after 240 Days: