Sunday, September 2, 2012

10 months later...

90 days of Turbofire, 90 days of Brazil Butt Lift, 30 days TF/BBL hybrid, 90 days of Les Mills Pump.

I’ve lost 39 lbs and over 23 inches! :D Size 10 to size 4! 

Decide. Commit. Succeed!


  1. Hi my name is Bea! Done p90x, insanity, Turbo Fire, and BBL. I had surgery 6 weeks ago and started bbl again to concentrate on my big butt(latin here with a very pear shape. But want a complementary program to tone arms and back. P90X so I went ahead and but Pump, i have not taken it out of the box yet thinking I many have made a mistake buying it
    I would love to get a Pump BBL hybrid were you able to retrive it from your Computer?
    Thanks for any help you can give me!

  2. Hey Bea! I will upload it later tonight. I had to try and recreate as best I could. It might not be perfect. I kind of focused on adding Bum Bum and High & Tight at least 2-3 days a week based on the Classic schedule and I substituted the LMP Hardcore Abs with BBL's Tummy Tuck. The LMP weightlifting workouts all have ab routines at the end so I'm hoping to get my jelly belly under control. :)

    You should give Pump a chance. It is a lot of fun. :)
