Monday, May 28, 2012


These last two weeks have been horrible.  I have no motivation lately.  I haven't been able to sleep and I haven't been eating much at all.  I think I'm just in a funk. 

I am about to take the plunge and order LES MILLS PUMP.  I just can't decide if I should get the basic package or the deluxe.  I'm thinking if I get the basic package then it will be easier for me to incorporate Turbofire (for cardio) and BBL (lower body toning). 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012

Week 2 of TF/BBL Hybrid - Almost complete!

Holy smokes!  Has it really been almost 2 weeks since I updated?!  My personal life has kind of been hectic. My oldest child was being the target of bullies at her school over the fact that a boy that a few girls have liked since 6th grade likes her instead of them.  Their main complaint:  "It's not fair because we have liked him for so long"!  It ultimately culminated in one girl convincing her friends to write letters to this boy telling him how awful he was for liking my daughter and telling him awful things about her and then surrounding the two of them during break time and screaming at them.  That resulted in what I hope was my final call to the counselor.  So far I think things have quieted down.  But so yeah that's where I've been.

I'll admit I was having a tough time getting motivated this week but I still pulled through.

I had forgotten how much I LOVE Fire 45EZ from Turbofire!  I'm afraid I'm not incorporating the BBL workouts in as much as I should - maybe because TF Tone and TF Sculpt don't show up too often?  My knee is still bothering me so I'm still trying to take it easy on it but still push myself.  Still I NEED to figure out a way to get more BBL workouts in.  Fire 45, Fire 45 EZ and Fire 55 EZ show up a lot so I'm either going to need to suck it up and try and fit Leandro's Secret Weapon or Bum Bum Rapido.  My bum bum still isn't where I want it to be... YET!  :)

In other news, my size 6 jeans are DEFINITELY getting looser!  I find myself having to pull them up more often than not!  :D  The thought of possibly being able to fit into a size 4 pair of jeans is just MIND BOGGLING!! 

Food wise - not too bad but not that great.  My older kids are so picky.  I just need to get organized and come up with a meal plan that will fit this family. 

Keep your fingers crossed that this middle school drama is over and I can get back to posting regularly!  :)