About Me

I am a military wife and stay-at-home mother to four kids ages 2-13.  I will be 35 in 2012.  In the past I have used workout programs from Buns of Steel, Joyce Vedral, Jillian Michaels and the Firm with varying degrees of success.  One of my friends was raving about this "Turbofire" thing late last summer.  I did not think much about it until she posted her one month results.  I was amazed at what she accomplished and did a little research.  By "a little" I mean doing nothing but watching Youtube video after Youtube video, reading blog after blog, visiting Facebook page after Facebook page.  It takes a lot to get me to invest over $100 in something.  By the beginning of October, I figured, "What do I have to lose?!" and made my purchase.  It was, without a doubt, one of the best decisions I have ever made. 

I followed the schedule included with the Turbofire workout.  I don't think I missed a day.  I think the hardest part was MAKING TIME FOR MYSELF!  I realized it was just one hour a day. ONE HOUR to spend on myself!  It took some effort with two toddlers running around.  I tried getting up before everyone but that did not work out and I knew if I worked out at night, I would never be able to fall asleep.  Working out really energizes me so my plan was to get the older two to school (8am) and then get breakfast for myself and my two younger kids, relax, check Facebook and emails and then get started around 9-930 every morning.  Some days I didn't get my workout in until after lunch when my youngest fell asleep.  Yes I had to hit PAUSE quite a bit in the beginning while trying to get my kids to understand that when Mommy is exercising, they need to play quietly.  It was not easy but I didn't want to use my kids as an excuse for not succeeding in this endeavor.

Fast forward to April 2012 - The kids know when Mommy is going to exercise.  I have had to modify planks and pushups around a two year old who decides that I make a great horse when I'm doing them.  I will be doing rollups or crunches only to have a two year old decide that she wants to plop down right under my head as I'm rolling down.  I have a four year old that will come up while I'm doing squats and slap me on the butt.  My two year old uses the yellow booty band from Brazil Butt Lift and will stand beside me during High and Tight, she will lay down on the floor beside me when I'm doing any kind of floor work, and she crawls underneath my legs when I'm doing lunges.  :)