Monday, September 3, 2012

Les Mills Pump Ultimate Cross Training - Brazil Butt Lift Hybrid (60 days)

 Okay here it is.  Is it perfect?  Probably not.  I might even change things around as I get in to the program(s) more.  I might move High & Tight/Bum Bum to weight-training days.  Who knows?  All I know is I love High & Tight and Bum Bum and wanted to incorporate them in with the full body Les Mills Pump plan.  I might add some jogging in to the mix too.  :)  I'll also be trying to eat a lot cleaner foods.  Let me know what you think or if you want more information on any of the Beachbody programs.  Oh and there is a chance that my husband's cousin might be able to retrieve the original schedule I made so if that happens, I'll post it here too if it varies drastically.

 Decide. Commit. Succeed!


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